Saturday, 29 March 2014

Liebster Award Nomination

I'm so happy and excited to receive a Liebster Award Nomination from the lovely Shani over at Fierce Obsession. I love that you've read and enjoyed my lil old blog here! Thanks you so much, it means alot :*

This award is given to up and coming bloggers with under 200 followers. It is a great way for bloggers to recognise each other and simply say "i enjoy reading your blog and would like to direct readers to you"

The rules are as follows,

1) Link the blogger(s) that nominated you.
2) Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
3) Choose 5-11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers and link them in your post.
4) Go to their page and tell them.

Heres my questions given to me by Shani and answers. Hope you enjoy finding out a little more about me.

1. What’s the one bit of advice you would give to someone starting a new blog?
Not to put pressure or high expectations on yourself. Write because you love to write

2. Who inspires you? 
My mummy :) she doesn't see herself as a strong successful person but she is truly incredible. The things she's gone through in life are terrible by anyone's standards and of every awful experience she's created something amazing. From a tough childhood she's become an amazing mother. From an awful life threatening relationship, she started a help line that supports millions of women today. She has always proved to me that nothing can stop a person because she always succeeds in her goals regardless how small they may seem in her eyes. Even to see herself through uni as a single mum with two small children after everything else she moved away from. What she today sees as her biggest weakness, I see as her proof of strength. [*Weep*I love my mum]

3. Where in the world would you most like to live?
This one is easy for me. Holland. Because that is where the majority of my family lives. and when I'm there around them,  it feels like home

4. What do you do in your day job?
School runs? Housework? Erm... clock watching? Lol. I'm currently stuck in the 'my kids are all grown, yet my daughter annoyingly attends 2 and half days at nursery so it's hard to work around' stage. I always knew I wanted to be at home to see my kids through to full time school.

5. If you could only eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?
Omg.... erm.... wow... I'm literally so obsessed with food that most my friendships are hugely based around it! If we can't obsess over food together we frankly won't ever be besties. I think I'll have to say roast? Because I can alter that each day!

6. Besides blogging, what’s your favourite thing to do?
I get anxious when I'm alone for too long and my most favorite thing to do is to force myself upon friends and family at every possible opportunity

7. What's your favourite type of music?
I really can't give this a simple answer. Every day I wake up I want to listen to diffrent music. I could listen to afro beats one hour and then placebo the next.  It's that eclectic.

8. How would you describe your style?
I feel I still haven't found my style. I wish I could wear pajama bottoms everyday to be fair. Im Not brave enough to wear what I'd like to alot of the time and 5 days of the week I'm likely to be in leggings a top and trainers.

9. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
I hate this question lol sorry. I have had a lot of dream careers that for one reason or another have been almost taken of me it feels. I wanted to be a personal trainer because I used to be obsessed with sport and fitness but falling pregnant with my son meant being kicked of the course. My best skill i'm most proud of is novelty cakes but I have a condition called fibromyalgia, and a major three month flare up meant I had to drop out my course. Now the first option is completely  out of my reach too.
My answer might feel boring as there are so many amazing fashionistas and incredible unacclaimed MUAs on here with huge goals. I'm just really hoping that by September ill be working in a nursery and starting a career as a nursery nurse. the one thing my condition has never stopped me doing is being there for my own children so I'd like to do that for other people's too. That right now is my dream.

10. What is your one beauty must-have?
Sleek eyebrow palette! 100% I feel alien with out my eyebrows

11. If you could ban a word or phrase from ever being used again, what would it be? 
Easy! 'YOLO' I cringe and die a little inside when ever I hear someone seriously say this. 

So now ladies its your turn!
i would like to nominate,

Hannah at Blogger Hannah
Mellisa at Poppy Bird

Here are your questions!
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
2. Who is currenty yout favorite blogger?
3. What made you decide to start writing a blog?
4. Tell us something about you that we would never know from reading your blog?
5. What is the most Spontaneous thing you have ever done?
6. If you could meet any celebrity in the world, who would it be and why?
7. How, in your opinion, is the best way to spend a saturday night?
8. Share with us your biggest fashion disaster
9. What are 3 of your favorite things about yourself? Promote the self love ladies!
10. What have you done in life that you are most proud of?
11. And my favorite question i answered, Who inspires you?

Let me know when yours are up and posted as i cant wait to read!

much love xxx

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